Wednesday, April 19, 2017

My first media review will be about the movie "Get Out". This movie has been rated almost 100(98%) on the rotten tomatoes. A lot of people like this movie and so do I, but there are some things about the movie I was questioning after leaving the movie theater.
1. Why were two different cultures/ races targeted? I mean maybe that's why the best films are always so twisted because they catch the viewers eye but it just left me wondering why.
2. I was also wondering why the movie seemed so short, its like the ending came way too fast, I didn't understand how they could jump from the scene of the guy escaping the house after he killed a whole family and servants to the scene where his friend magically shows up to rescue him? I know his best friend was a part of security for airlines but still, just how did his best friend manage to find his exact location? I don't recall the main character giving him an address, just a location of where he was heading and why he was getting sketched out. The lady servant also kept unplugging the characters phone so it would die and it did.
3. I also wondered on this scene where the family had a get together the character sensed something sketchy and took a picture of one of the servants. His nose suddenly started bleeding??and he snapped out of hypnosis. He screamed to the character to "Get Out" but he didn't take the chance. Shortly after he fell upon hypnosis by the families mother and she captured him. The remaining of the movie it showed him trying to fight the hypnosis, but why couldn't the other characters do that? Also what does picture flashes have to do with snapping out of hypnosis??
The overall movie was really good and I enjoyed it but these are some of the things that left me questioned about this movie. I would rate this movie 9.5/10.

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