Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Do you know what MADD stands for? Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Recently, I saw an add online. It was just a picture in the dark of gradient road signs. The whole point for this add it to set a visual for consumers about drinking. Of course when you're driving under the influence, its bound that something is going to malfunction. Whether its the person driving, the vehicle or somebody else that has nothing to do with it! People don't realize how fast they're going when driving in the daylight. At nighttime you can definitely see how fast you're going because its dark out, therefore your pupils will widen letting more light in. This is just a natural human function. Drunk people will see signs or lights, only seconds too late. This is a problem because for one, its dangerous to the person under the influence. They cannot operate the vehicle in time or in the right manner to be safe. All of their cognitive/coordinative functions are suppressed,there speech is slurred. if drunken people can barely stand how do you think they can operate a vehicle? Not only is drunk driving dangerous for the person that's under the influence but what about the innocent people just trying to walk along the sidewalk or driving on the road to go home? This add really sets the mood because its literally so serious, nothing about this add is funny or entertaining. We all should be motivated and keep our family/friends safe when drinking. This includes locking keys away in a safe, calling taxi's, don't let your friends get alcohol poisoning from drinking too much and if they do call 911.

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