Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Hello everyone. My name is Kylie Butler. I'm taking intro to mass media for general education. Making a decision that carries through the rest of your life when you're young is pretty intimidating. I always thought I wanted to be a veterinarian because I LOVE animals (except spiders, they can just burn in the fire). This is my first semester at FCC. I am 19 years old, I work at subway for 8.75 an hour. I used to work at GameStop and was a third key. If you don't know what that is, a third key is a key holder of the store. So technically I landed a job in retail as a low end manager position (seems impossible). I'm guessing that is only because I love to play video games, I’ll play anything from Halo, Destiny, COD, GTA, Overwatch, Tomb Raider, Minecraft, etc.  In my free time I usually hang out with friends and or chill at home.

Some random facts about me include:

1.)    I don’t have a favorite color or food. I base those off of my emotions/ how I’m feeling physically.

2.)    I switched high schools 3 times in 10th grade and almost failed because I never got to finish any of my classes. I went to Linganore, Somerset Area High school, South Carroll, and Century.

3.)    I used to have many different types of pets. My favorite one was a baby snapping turtle my dad found, it would snap the fish in half when it was hungry. Unfortunately my dad put it under a heat lamp because it got sick and then forgot about it so my turtle was fried.

4.)    I listen to Rock, Metal, Rap, Country, R&B, Pop, Country, and Dubstep.

5.)    My favorite ice-cream flavor is mint chocolate chip.

6.)    I used to ride horses.